Sunday, October 25, 2009

thursdays are fundays

yup these pictures are awesome! we look ridiculous but hey the things we learn in lab are 'super' important. For example below I am testing shelly's peripheral vision by confrontation (basically i wiggle my fingers and she points when i see them) and basically we look like idiots as we try not to laugh at each other while staring at the persons forehead---awe i love lab days

abbie checking mine
I feel like the brian regan skit at the optomotrist
"Tell me the exact moment point A is directly over point B
"NOW!" NO noW! NOW!! no THEN!! ugh i dunno---I dunno what happened....I'm worried if i'm off by an 8th of a second i'll end up with these big hubble coming attraction glasses some guy'll say "yeah you really messed up on that A B test huh" 'Did I EVER!"

scalp massage? no well not quite...
now i am palpating checking for masses, lesions, swellings, exudates, foreign life, and really truly they list like 30 things we have to say sometimes (especially for the nose whoa)

Goodwin: "worst headache" of your life" = Temporal Arteritis
Every Other teacher: "worst headache of your life" = subarachnoid hemorrhage
us: "worst headache of your life" = PA school

all clear no bruits here--although i love it when we try to imitate the sound a bruit makes ha ha (pshtoooo)

now this was a fun day---'so wait would her pancreas be here or ...? oh wait where does her duodenum go?' you confidence in your medical personnel don't it ha ha no worries we got it all figured out

and then we listened to each others bowel sounds---fascinating huh

awe sigh good times---oh and we do actually study yeah know every so often (i sure hope the seeping sarcasm came through on that one) but those pictures aren't as fun to look at

more brian
[brian regan ha ha
"i concentrate like crazy on the eye exam. You don't want get a D on that thing and end up with coke bottle lenses. I didn't take it serious. Are you still in here? I'm just seeing shadows and shapes. It's important, they don't call it a quiz"
"I can feel my eye doctor losing his patience with me. "Okay Brian which one do you like better, number one or number two....I don't like either one. "that wasn't the question brian I asked which one you liked better. So why don't you keep that in mind while we try this again." Uh okay umm they are the same "Hm Brian why would I waste your time and mine if they were the same"]

exam party ----sounds like an oxymoron to me!

but let me just tell you this was SO much fun!! i love these girls
so the jist is we basically got together with my girls and their husbands, me and JR, and abbie on a blind date (no worries it was all good--well then again i haven't asked him how he felt about) giving us an excuse to get together, eat some awesome food and practice our Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose and Throat physical exams on each other. I'll have to post a link to the full exam so you can read it [which would make this even funnier]

here's the crew----awe i love these girls! notice the awesome pizzas! [natalie and her husband made the dough and cooked it out on the grill]

I made layered bean dip [in which secretly i used butternut squash partial substitute for refried beans and soy hamburger meat---(i know i'm weird)

---I guess it turned out okay enough cause they ate it] and did you see those awesome pizzas they made on the grill
this was my pizza [I love these tofu tortillas i found so so good BBQ chicken, grilled onions red bell peppers and some mozzarella so good]
I don't know how jeanna does it with her food allergies but really wow i'm always amazed at how cheerful she is even when she is around all this food she cannot eat!
after we fully examined each head in the room we decided to help shelly out with a spaghetti squash dilemma (she is so cute--they had some fun times trying to cook one the first time) so we nuked the squash and it turned out great---awe good times