whoa boy has it been a long time since i've updated this thing---no worries I have 3pm (yeah THREE o'CloCK post meridian) church so I figure I'll probably have time once a week to update [we'll see how that goes] well whats new--uh pretty much everything but so far i'm loving it! granted I haven't had an obligation of any kind for weeks now first things first: my sister will not be alone in her mission quest although there aren't any pictures of when he opened his call (little stinker just opened it valerie barely had time to call my mom) he sounded pretty excited about Fresno,CA speaking hmong over the phone...but not as excited as my mom seems to be everytime she has a chance to pull out a hmong Book of Mormon to show people [trust me its getting ridiculous] hmm whats next oh yeah sadness I left my job! like really I almost cried everyday that last week of work!! I'm going to miss working there so much! I have a whole list of things i'm gonna miss but i'll save you the unknown inside jokes but really i'm going to miss
- trying to decide for lunch on fridays and ruth's cafe rio specials on wednesdays
- the scheduling rules only Anna knows about
- dr. weipert and his 'distinct' orders for drug rep lunches/his 110th JCW's punch card and diet coke addiction
- karen and her lack of sleep/dr pepper addiction
- working with ruth during on-call nights (oh those were some good times)
- running around with poor bobbie on thursdays/talking to her about her discodancer!!!
oh and last but not least I moved to arizona and i love it! not only do they have like FOUR 24 hour fitness locations but I'm like 5 mins from the temple not to mention the is still a deseret book and the ONLY cafe rio in THE ENTIRE STATE is just down the street! (sigh) so many blessings !! (;
i am so excited for you Sara!!! miss you tons though!!